Neither together nor separate!
Simply This. 
There is nothing that can be called non-duality.
There is simply no separation (duality).
Natural reality just regulates itself. It doesn't need you, I or someone to do it.
"YOU, I AM is the apparent creator of it's own illusory and fantastic story of existenze. "Wonderfully beautitul and meaningless like all childlike storys are."



No beginning - no end - no in between.
What seems to die here is a "the dream of the/an end".
Natural Reality knows no end, no beginning and of course no in-between. Time is an artificial construct. Nothing is dying here. There is simply no time ... and of course not the space in which it seems to be running out.
What seems to be left is: "The Timeless Wonder" (Andreas Müller) ... or: "The Open Secret" (Tony Parson) .. or as Hans would say: a smile - the natural reality.
Wellcome to the NO-talks with Hans.



The wonder of the unknown. The unknowable.
The attempts to separate the whole into parts in order to then understand it creates the apparent complexity of the socalles here: 'personal world' taking this idea or film/movie for reality.
Life itself - natural reality - is 'just' complex. Incomprehensible. Not possible (for the person - anybody) to understand. THIS is far beyond apparent knowledge ...
Natural reality is all already everything at all, ALL - enjoyable, relaxed, peaceful - not-knowing.
The ordinary wonder of natural reality is already just right over THIS - already as it is. YOU, ME or ANY-THING can't get it. Never - it stays unknableow..



There's nothing wrong with 'your' (personal) story. Stories are simply illusionary. Imaginary - but not yours or mine or it belongs to someone. The roots of this illusion very subtle and hardly noticeable, it gnaws latently disappointing.
The crazy thing here in the NO-Talks is that the exposure of this barter-deal simply dissolves it's own disappointment.
The body has never "heard" any of these personal stories. He simply breathes a jubilant and relaxing breath or ... "grimaces" when it hurts.
Feeling is not "yours" - It doesn't belong to anyone. Here is nobody as a real substance. This really is without you happening.

( ... und dies ist keine Geschichte.)



In this NO-Talks nothing is burdened by the illusion and idea that life has to make or have a meaning.

It seems that not only the effort of having to do something dissolves here, but also the actor, the person, the apparent doer. There is no doer.