Statements from dialogs with Hans Steinke.

Collected by Armin Köhler (Leipzig) and Brigitte Schulte (Berlin).

- Open your heart and don't rack your brains.
- The quality of pain is depth.
- Uncertainty is our nature.
- You are not guilty, but you are completely responsible.
- Encountering Love is not a personal relationship.
- Vulnerability is like a turtle, but without a tank.
- Question comes, question goes. Answer is.
- You can’t let go of anything that you holding on.
- Now is that, where there is no personal choice.
- Awakening takes away the sleepyness.

- The ego wants recognition, it does’t not want to be seen.
- Suffering is the avoidance of pain.
- God is where you are most insecure.
What is not, cannot become.
- Grief is hopeless! Nobody wants it?

- Unrelatedness is the natutal reality.
- The search is like a rat race. You run and run around – arriving nowhere.
- Life is unfallble ... it is just as it is.
- Intuition is a resonence of This.
- Wisdom is the smartest way of living for no-one ... here is nobody.
- Natural Intelligence is always where you are totally without any clue.

'I do not know where to begin confidence.'

'I am always surching desperate for solid forms.'
'Don’t you see how the search guts you into pieces.'

- You’re the one, who has been always waiting for yourself.
- Now is always now. There is no two.
- Life happens, whether you like it or not.
Inner work is constent euthanasia. It is the end of every-thing. Just This: Always ...
Aloneness is the moment, when you are no longer busy with going somewhere else.

- You are the most uncertian when you experience love.t..

- Holding back is the form of concealment, hiding of wanting to be special.
- Reincarnations of a person are the efforts of the thinking mind, to save itself after his death.
- In reality, you are endless now already.

- What is not here is nowhere.

- Fear exists only before a idear of action, never after.
- Attack! Do not always as though you are only defending yourself!
– As long as you keep your potential to yourself, you destroy it.
- The search is a waste of time. There is nothing to find and this is already everything.
- Violence only exists in the human mind. Natural reality is just endless.
Thinking is contagious and that the real planetary disease of paranoia.

- You don’t have to understand anything to be Here and Now. It is already complet.
– The only sacred thing about self-enquiry is the exposure of hypocrisy.
- Direct communication is faster than thinking ... it is just light speed by itself.
- Living Now is always happening now ... for nobody.
- Also thinking happens now ...

- The nature of nature is natural.

- Oneness is. Seperation is, too ... "handmad".

'Do you still get social government money, or do you work now?'
'Yes,l work in childs care buisness.'
'And is it a work of steadyness?'
' ... well, well … children grow up you see …!

'Do you feel your heart?'
'I don't know ...'

In the end everything will be fine ... and everything whats not, is simply not over yet.

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